Learn English with songs! Here you will find a small collection of the most popular children's songs. Choose your favourite one, then listen and sing!
How the material is organised
There are 16 song units in this section. Each unit comes with an audio file, song lyrics, song facts and printable resources. Also, each unit has a picture dictionary with images that refer to words mentioned in (or related to) the song. Below each dictionary you will find some ideas on how to practise spelling words in a fun way.
How to browse
Depending on your needs or preference, you can explore our collection in several ways. For example, you can browse the songs by title using the picture list above. Also, we invite you to use the bottom menu. It has quick links to other pages within the current section, and guides you to the resources you are looking for.
And finally, you can browse a list of song units sorted by vocabulary topic. Singing songs can be a fun starting point for further work. For example, you can use them to teach different vocabulary topics such as body parts, numbers or farm animals.