how to play
This is an enjoyable matching game for 2 - 4 players (or teams), very simple to play, designed to help kids learn and practise there is, there are in a fun way. In the game, players match tiles (text/picture) and get rid of their dominoes in order to win.
- Mix up domino tiles and place them all face down on the table.
- Players draw domino tiles at random and stands them in front of them so that their opponent cannot see them.
- If two kids are playing, each player takes seven tiles. If three or four kids are playing, each player takes five tiles. The remaining dominoes form the draw pile.
- Choose one kid that will begin. He or she places one of their dominoes on the table.
- The next player must then place a matching domino next to the first one.
- For example, if the first player started the game with the tile a lamb in the pram / There are bears on the chairs, the next player must play a domino that has bears on the chairs / There is a bee on the key.
- Throughout the game, players can match a domino to any one of the two open ends of the trail. When a player cannot match an end, they take a domino from the draw pile.
- Continue taking turns putting dominoes on the table until someone wins. The winner is the first kid to get rid of all of their dominoes.