How to play
If kids are new to the topic, or if they need some help with their spelling, introduce the vocabulary by using our Vocabulary Words list before playing the game. Otherwise, they may find it quite difficult.
To start, choose the task from the menu at the top of the game board. The tasks are numbered from one to twelve, but you can choose them in random order. The selected task will be highlighted in yellow. Now you can see the black and white picture of the word and four words below to choose from. Click on the word you think is correct.
If you are right, the picture of the word will appear in colour and you hear the pronunciation. Also, the correct word will be highlighted in yellow.
Then try the next question. Look at the menu. Each solved task will be marked by colouring its number in green or blue (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 in green; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 in blue).
Please note. This game uses HTML5 and JavaScript. It works well in modern browsers. We recommend using Google Chrome. If you can't see our games visit this site for help.
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The entire structure of an organism.
The part of the body that senses sound.
The part of the body that gives us sight.
Have toes and help us walk, run or dance.
The long strands that grow on the top of our head.
Has four fingers and a thumb.
Contains the face.
We walk on these.
Used to eat and talk.
Between your head and your shoulders.
We sense smells with this part of the body.
One of the hard, white things in your mouth.
If your students enjoy our quiz, you could expand it (or give your students extra practice) by playing related classroom word games. Here are some ideas to inspire you. These activities can be used in any topic!
Write rhyming riddles for as many of your words as you can. For example, It is sweet, and rhymes with hair. See if someone can figure out your riddles!
Create your own quiz. Include a question for each word. Your questions maybe true or false, multiple choice or matching.
Think of words and their meaning, then create your own crossword puzzle. Write a definition for each word. You can add picture clues, too!
Learn and practise English with our printables that go well with the vocabulary quiz. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print these resources.