Games for kids to learn English in a fun way

ABC Games

I am Yancy Yak.
And this is the letter Y.

Click on me to hear the sound.

Click on the picture to hear the sound.

Learning the alphabet in a fun way Picture dictionary for kids: yeti
Educational games for ESL kids Picture dictionary for kids: yacht
Learning English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: yoghurt
Wordsearch games for kids learning English Picture dictionary for kids: yarn
Online resources for English teachers Picture dictionary for kids: yolk
Teacher's resources: English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: yak

How many other English words do you know that start with the letter Y?

Look your spelling words up in the dictionary and write out the definitions.

Write your spelling words in crayon. Write consonants in red and vowels in blue.

Who am I?

I can be brown or black
You can ride on my back
But I have no time for play
Cause I work hard every day

Tongue Twister

Y was once a little yew,
Yewdy fewdy
Crudy yewdy
Growdy grewdy
Little yew!