Games for kids to learn English in a fun way

ABC Games

I am Unice Unicorn.
And this is the letter U.

Click on me to hear the sound.

Click on the picture to hear the sound.

Learning the alphabet in a fun way Picture dictionary for kids: uakari
Educational games for ESL kids Picture dictionary for kids: UFO
Learning English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: unit
Wordsearch games for kids learning English Picture dictionary for kids: underwear
Online resources for English teachers Picture dictionary for kids: umbrella
Teacher's resources: English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: unicorn

How many other English words do you know that start with the letter U?

Rewrite all your spelling words using a code. Include the code on the page. Ask a friend to solve.

Write your words three ways, really big, really small, and in your best handwriting.

Who am I?

I live in rainforest
It's my playground and bed
I have a short tail
And my face is pink or red

Tongue Twister

U was once a little urn,
Urny burny
Turny urny
Bubbly burny
Little urn!