
picture dictionary

Words starting with the letter F

Learn English words starting with the letter F

In the F-words unit you will find a picture dictionary, online acivities and printable resources to help you learn the meaning, pronunciation and spelling of 61 English words starting with F.

fa - fi vocabulary »

  • face, factory, fairy, falcon, family, fan, far from, farm, farmer, fast, fat, father, Father's Day, February, feet, fencing, ferret, fever, field, fig, fifteen, fifty, figure skating

fi - fo vocabulary »

  • fingers, fireman, fireplace, fire station, fish, fish shop, five, five o'clock, flamingo, floor, florist's, flounder, flour, flower, flute, fly, fog, foggy, folder, football, forest, fork

fo - fu vocabulary »

  • forty, fountain, four, four o'clock, fourteen, fox, freesia, Friday, fridge, friendly, friends, frog, frost, frosty, furniture shop