how to play
This is a game for 2 - 4 players. Kids move along the game track that is made of both playing and wild cards. Playing cards are double-sided and self-checking, with the task on one side, and the answer on the reverse.
- Put playing cards in three piles ( a green pile, a red pile, and a pink pile) face down.
- Take a turn by flipping a coin (heads = move 1 space; tails = move 2 spaces).
- When you land on
a green square - pick up a card from the green pile, then use the picture and words on your card to make a positive sentence, for example, There are parrots on the carrots. Each correct answer gains one green point;
a red square - pick up a card from the red pile, then use the picture and words on your card to make a negative sentence, for example, There isn't a hen with the pen. Each correct answer gains one red point;
a pink square - pick up a card from the pink pile, then use the picture and words on your cards to make a question, for example, Is there a fox in the box? Each correct answer gains one pink point.
- If you are right, don't move. Write down your score. At the end of the game, add them up for your total score.
- If you are wrong, move back one space.
- The player with the highest score is the winner.