Board games with cards can be useful tools for English teachers. They are a fun way to learn new vocabulary and make a change from the lesson routine.
In our selection there are 22 board games with cards to choose from. Although originally designed for practising and revising language material presented on this website, they can be easily adapted to any language concept, and the game ideas can be used for a range of educational purposes.
Our games vary in many ways. Some of them are played with simple picture, question or task cards, others with self-checking ones. There are also games in which question cards have different levels of difficulty (easy, medium, hard).
Below you will find a picture guide to our games. Each picture of the game links directly to its own page with tips on how to play and materials to download and print. Also, in each game box you can find a link to the page with related resources (lessons, worksheets, tests).
ABC animals
Busy Days
Describing people
Foxes in boxes
Fun with the bear
Going shopping
Likes and dislikes
Means of transport
Numbers 1-20
Numbers 20-100
Opposite race
People's jobs
Special days
Star commands
Star questions
Telling the time
Town tour
Weather fun!
What's this in English?
Word hunters
Yummy race