Identifying Things.More printables »
Kids play in pairs or in teams. In this game, there is one person asking questions (Player Q) and the other person answering questions (Player A).
Game Grid
A grid with picture clues to play guessing games.
Grid Template
You can customize it to create your own games.
answer key »
includes correct, possible or suggested answers
how to play »
basic games directions that you can easily modify or change
36 sheets with easy-to-read dialogues in everyday language, plus simple exercises »
Each one introduces and explains English phrases through pictures and sentence examples »
A variety of exercises, e.g. crossword, wordsearch, matching and word ordering puzzles »
Checking tasks, e.g. do the puzzles, complete the word, put the words in the correct order »
A collection of easy-to-play card / board games created to make the learning process more fun »
Game items
Game accessories such as game boards, scoreboards or markers to use in the classroom »
For presenting, practising and revising language items, great for playing different games »
36 sets of learning and teaching resources including worksheets, tests and word games »