Language aim: common English greetings and responses.
To play the game, you need a game board, a coin, and a place marker for each player.
Print out a game board and markers (you can use buttons or pawns instead). If you want, you can stick the printout onto the heavy paper. Laminate for future use.
Before playing the game revise or pre-teach the names of all the items on the game board.
Our printables are in pdf format. To download them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
how to play
This is a simple game for 2-4 players (or teams), played on the board with picture and word clues, and some special squares (e.g. Go ahead two spaces).
Decide who starts and who comes next.
Take a turn by flipping a coin (heads = move 1 space; tails = move 2 spaces).
When you land on a square with an animal, you have to say the proper name, then greet the animal. For example, you greet the Lion: Hello, Lion. How are you?
If your answer is correct, don't move.
If your answer is wrong, move back one space.
The winner is the first player to reach the finish.