Christmas songs for kids learning English

Old St. Nicholas Had a Tree

Christmas songs for kids learning English

Learn English with this song! Here are some words to remember. Click on the picture to hear the sound.

English words: bell Picture dictionary for kids: bell
English words: drum Picture dictionary for kids: drum
English words: lights Picture dictionary for kids: lights
English words: star Picture dictionary for kids: star

Old St. Nicholas had a tree

can be sung to the tune of Old McDonald Had a Farm

Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho
And on that tree he had some bells
Ho ho ho ho ho
With a ring-ring here and a ring-ring there
Here a ring, there a ring
Everywhere a ring-ring
Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho

Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho
And on that tree he had some drums
Ho ho ho ho ho
With a boom-boom here and a boom-boom there
Here a boom, there a boom
Everywhere a boom-boom
Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho

Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho
And on that tree he had some lights
Ho ho ho ho ho
With a flash-flash here and a flash-flash there
Here a flash, there a flash
Everywhere a flash-flash
Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho

Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho
And on that tree he had some stars
Ho ho ho ho ho
With a twinkle-twinkle here and a twinkle-twinkle there
Here a twinkle, there a twinkle
Everywhere a twinkle-twinkle
Old St. Nicholas had a tree
Ho ho ho ho ho