Learning English in a fun way

ABC Animals

learning resources sorted alphabetically by animal name

learning and teaching resources

This page gives you an overview of the ABC Animals section structure, contents and organisation of the resources as well. Scroll down for all our animal units listed alphabetically.

How the material is organised

Learn about the animals through the alphabet! There are 26 animals at the ABC Zoo, each one begins with a different letter. Each animal has its own unit with relevant pictures, fun facts, word games, and comes with printable resources such as readers, worksheets with various activities, and games to play in class or at home.

Below you can explore all our animal units listed alphabetically. Each particular unit is presented in its own box and contains links to the content pages. There are also direct links to the relevant pdf files. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print our resources.

Moreover, depending on your needs or preference, you can browse our resources by visiting the following pages:

fun facts »
games »
printable resources »

Also, we invite you to use the bottom menu. It has quick links to other pages within the current section, and guides you to the resources you are looking for.