Games for kids to learn English in a fun way

ABC Games

I am Queen Bee.
And this is the letter Q.

Click on me to hear the sound.

Click on the picture to hear the sound.

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Online resources for English teachers Picture dictionary for kids: quiver
Teacher's resources: English ABCs Picture dictionary for kids: queen bee

How many other English words do you know that start with or contain the letter Q?

If you are right handed, write your words with your left hand. If you are left handed, write your words with your right hand.

Create a word train by using the last letter of the first word to begin the second word and so on. For example, queen - night - toy

Who am I?

I am small as a mouse
Or big as a cat
Always wear spots
You should know that

Tongue Twister

Q was once a little quail,
Quaily faily
Daily quaily
Stumpy taily
Little quail!